Coventry Creates commission: Art and the Urban Commons
The first edition of the poster “How to practice arts-led re-commoning of cities” - Partisan Social Club, adjusted by Gary Hall
New works online from myself and Partisan Social Club, as part of a University of Warwick and Coventry University commission “Coventry Creates”. For this project Mel Jordan (Coventry University’s Centre of Postdigital Culture / Partisan Social Club) and I used the collaborative framework of the commissions to exchange ideas around how to imagine the city as a transformative, equitable and democratic place to live and work. This exchange has resulted in two new artistic outcomes: the first edition of a reiterative poster work entitled How to practise culture-led re-commoning, produced by Partisan Social Club (adjusted by Gary Hall); and a new adaptation of Phoenix City 2021 with Abul Mogard, Phoenix City 2021 (Reprise).
Visit the Coventry Creates site for more information on the exchange.